About Us
The story of this library is unique. From its start in 1987 as a small collection in a room at the Yacht Club, it has established itself as a community asset in its present 6400 square foot facility. The library building is owned and funded by the Friends of the Tellico Village Library, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Loudon County funds the salaries for a full-time manager and part-time assistant manager. The Friends organization pays for the library’s mortgage, utilities and maintenance. All patrons are encouraged to become a member of the Friends of the Tellico Village Library; these memberships help keep the doors open
The Public Library at Tellico Village is a full-service library that is open to all who live in Loudon and the surrounding communities.
Our vision is to be the center for lifelong learning, providing access to the information that will fulfill personal growth, cultural enrichment and knowledge in all fields of interest.
Library Director: Gina Mucci Geremia
Library Assistant: Cheri Tompkins
The front desk duties, shelving of books, and many other tasks are accomplished by a staff of over 40 trained volunteers. They are not paid but their value to the library is priceless.
Contact us at: 865-458-5199 or tvlibrary.org@gmail.com.