The library offers many different presentations in our conference room throughout the year. All talks are free, but seating is limited. Topics include history, medical and health topics, gardening, Medicare, financial information, and many others. These presentations are publicized on NextDoor, Tellico Village Tell-E-Gram, library website, and other venues.
If you would like to volunteer to host a presentation, email us at
Browse Upcoming Classes, Presentations and Events
Call The Library to Register: 865-458-5199
The Importance of Having Healthy Blood Flow
Did you know that having good blood flow is essential to maintaining good health?
As we age, several factors hinder our body's ability to deliver vital nutrition and oxygen efficiently to all cells and tissues throughout our bodies.
Learn how medical science has recognized that correcting this problem is the key to improving health and increasing longevity.
Presented by Circulation Station.
Intro to Tai Chi
Learn about and engage in the gentle flowing movements of Tai Chi and Qigong to increase balance, promote energy, reduce pain, and improve healing.
Susan Thompson is a Certified Tai Chi Instructor and Occupational Therapist who teaches both in-person and live-streaming classes worldwide.
What exactly is Tai Chi?
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art practiced through slow, gentle movements.
Is Tai Chi affiliated with a religion or belief system?
No. Tai Chi is a martial art founded in a philosophy of the nature of balance. Often called a "moving meditation," it combines physical exercise with mindful awareness.
What are the proven benefits?
Medical research shows Tai Chi reduces pain, improves balance, decreases falls, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. It's a gentle yet effective weight-bearing activity.
Can I do Tai Chi if I have physical limitations?
Yes! Tai Chi is adaptable for all fitness levels and can help reduce orthopedic pain. We stand throughout class (with a sitting option), and there's no floor work.
What should I wear?
Comfortable, loose clothing and stable shoes. No special equipment needed.
Medicare Math
Medicare Math
what a Maximum out of Pocket is for medical and how it is calculated
how the Maximum out of Pocket costs for Medicare Part D is calculated
the impact of the 2025 Part D changes
your Explanation of Benefits
Presented by Heather Majka of Citizens Insurance Solutions.
Caring for Tennis or Golf Elbow
Caring for Tennis or Golf Elbow
Presented by Mag Abdu from Advanced PhysioTherapy and Wellness Center
Restorative Heart Rhythms
Uncommon Cardiovascular Wellness from the Inside Out
Enlightening exploration into optimizing cardiovascular health naturally. Discover how to support your heart from within using uncommon, restorative approaches that align with the body’s innate rhythms. Learn practical, wellness-focused strategies to enhance vitality and foster long-term cardiovascular well-being. This free talk offers unique insights for those seeking alternatives to conventional heart health methods.
Presented by Dr. Matt Tonnos of Courtley Chiropractic.
IRA Strategies
Save taxes and get more out of your IRA.
Presented by Prosperity Partners Wealth Management
A Genealogy Tool Kit
What you need to get started and to keep going.
Whether you are starting out on your genealogy journey or are in your tenth year, it's good to check what you have and what you need to make progress in documenting your family history. Lecture style.
How to Keep Your Hips Healthy
How to keep your hips healthy, with Mag Abdu from Advanced PhysioTherapy and Wellness Center.
GENEALOGY: The U.S. Census 1800-1950
9:30-11 am: Lecture in the Conference Room on what the U.S. Census tells us, where to find it, and how to search it.
11 am-noon: Hands-on help in the Computer Lab finding your relatives in the U.S. Census from 1800-1950.
Bring your own computer or use a library computer.
You must register to participate. Class size is limited. Call 865-458-5199
Navigating Life After Loss
A financial guide for widows and widowers.
Presented by Thomas Cook Financial Planner and Founder of Retire to Tellico LLC
Named one of the top advisors under 40 in the country by InvestmentNews.
Aging Lightly
Let’s Talk Now About Needing Care Later
In this upbeat, empowering talk about a serious topic, we consider a new way of thinking about, talking about, and preparing for the Fourth Age of life— a period of aging-related dependency on others for care. It is well understood that such dependency is one of the greatest fears adults have about aging. We don’t want to imagine it, it’s uncomfortable to talk about, and we underestimate what we can do about it anyway. Using stories and perspectives gathered from her interview-based research, as well as her own family’s experiences, Kathryn McGrew provides strategies for having hard but vital conversations with ourselves, our families, and important others, now. The goal of such conversations? To be as prepared as possible; that is, to age “lightly,” even in the face of possible chronic illness or disability later. Related materials and resources are provided.
Kathryn McGrew, PhD, is Professor Emerita of Gerontology and Retired Senior Research Scholar at the Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University.
Loudon, My Tennessee Hometown
Loudon, My Tennessee Hometown: Stories About the Hometown Folks and First Time Events that Shaped the History of Loudon, is a book of stories that include: Pathkiller Chief of the Cherokee who lived in Loudon, a Loudon couple who became in-laws with the Vanderbilts, the last legal hanging in Loudon and two lynchings that followed, the oldest standing African-American school house in East Tennessee, the first funeral home director in Loudon who started as a mechanic for the Wright Brothers, a Loudon boy who became the CEO for Coca-Cola and many others stories!
by local author and historian Darrell Tuck
GENEALOGY: Heritage Quest -Free Genealogy Database
Learn about free access to the U.S. Census, city directories, family history books, & more, at home and at the Public Library at Tellico Village.
Hands-on help to log in, search and to find documents in Heritage Quest.
Bring your own computer or use a library computer.
You must register to participate. Class size is limited. Call 865-458-5199
Plantar Fasciitis
How to manage Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the dense fibrous band of tissue of the sole of the foot that is marked especially by heel or arch pain.
Presented by Mag Abdu of Advanced Physiotherapy Clinic.
Retirement by Design
Strategies to Prepare for any Economic Environment
Learn about critical retirement design strategies:
Social Security
Designing your retirement isn’t that different from designing a house:
You start with a dream and build from there.
Be a Cognitive Champion
One in five people between 60 and 80 are facing serious cognitive decline—but you don’t have to be one of them. Join Dr. Matt Tonnos, for an eye-opening presentation that will change the way you age. Discover new insights and simple, powerful strategies to protect your brain, sharpen your mind, and defend against degeneration. It’s time to take charge of your brain health and learn what you can do to fight off dementia and Alzheimer’s before it’s too late!
Self-Care Isn't Selfish
Introduce yourself to deeper, daily care. Self-care during the holidays isn’t selfish. Give yourself the gifts of peace and love this holiday season.
Journey to Lasting Happiness
A powerful five-step system that helps individuals break free from negative beliefs, embrace positive thinking, and achieve lasting personal transformation. With local author Linda Allred.
How to Self-Publish Your Manuscript
Cheryl Peyton is the author of 13 self-published books. She will be demonstrating the step-by-step process of how to self-publish your manuscript and how to use KDP Amazon.
Long-Term Care Solutions
Long-Term Care Solutions
Protect Your Family & Finances
Presented by Multi-State Licensed Agent, Peggy Fields with ACSIA Partners
What's NEW in Healthcare & Medicare for 2025
What's NEW in Healthcare & Medicare for 2025
Home Equity Insights
What is home equity…How to access it…What are the financial benefits of leveraging your home in retirement?
Healthcare Self-Advocacy
Understand your rights and responsibilities as a patient, gain tools to help navigate your healthcare, and enhance autonomy to strengthen your decision-making skills.
Tax Strategies for Retirees
Seven tax strategies that can help you pay lower taxes today and in the future.
Shamanism: Removing the Mask, Revealing the Mystery
Shamanism is an ancient technology that connects the material and the mystic worlds. It is a bio-psycho-spiritual practice that perceives the sacred and interdimensional nature of all creation. It is a vibrant, worldwide cross-cultural practice today, including here in the United States.
This presentation will define shamanism, its mechanics and neurobiology, characteristics, worldview, pitfalls and benefits from an interdisciplinary perspective. Experience a short basic shamanic journey using guided meditation, receive printed handouts and ask questions.
Psychologist/historian and author Dr. Karel James Bouse is an internationally recognized authority and educator in the field of shamanism. Her book, Neo-shamanism and Mental Health has been a bestseller on Amazon and has been acknowledged as a groundbreaking and significant work by her colleagues.
How to Maintain a Healthy Knee
How to maintain a healthy knee.
With Mag Abdu from Advanced PhysioTherapy and Wellness Center.
Gifford Pinchot - Seeking the Greatest Good
"How would you like to be forester?" asked James Pinchot to his son, Gifford, on August 11, 1886 ~ just after his son's 21st birthday party. So began the journey of the man who would influence American conservation more than any other person. Gifford Pinchot created our National Forests. He's also the father of American conservation and was a pioneer of scientific forestry ~ the wise use of our nation's resources. Teaming up with Teddy Roosevelt, he set aside 190 million acres of forests and grasslands to enhance the quality of American life. Joseph Blanco tells the story of how the American conservation movement began and why this country is indebted to Gifford Pinchot for the beautiful forests owned and enjoyed by all.
Downsizing Made Easy
Gain valuable insights into today's real estate market, practical solutions for decluttering, preparing your home for sale, best practices for hiring estate liquidators, organizers and more.
Presented by a local real estate professional dedicated to serving seniors at the highest level, you will be educated and empowered to navigate the complexities of a downsizing move that promises to leave you overjoyed, not overwhelmed.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - Free Online Database
In this hands-on class, eplore new, free, online genealogy sources. Bring your own computer or use a library computer. Space is limited in this class.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Beginning Genealogy - Free Online Sources
Start your search for ancestors from the beginning, or further your research with new, free, online sources. This will be a lecture-style class.
Sign up for one or both dates.
Beginning Genealogy - Free Online Sources
Start your search for ancestors from the beginning, or further your research with new, free, online sources. This will be a lecture-style class.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - Free Online Database
In this hands-on class, eplore new, free, online genealogy sources. Bring your own computer or use a library computer. Space is limited in this class.
Sign up for one or both dates.
How to Maintain a Healthy Back
How to Maintain a Healthy Back
With Mag Abdu from Advanced PhysioTherapy and Wellness Center
Navigating 2025 Medicare & Affordable Care Act
What you need to know:
- upcoming changes to laws
- how the election effects changes and benefits
- Medicare Part D changes
- How to prepare for open enrollment
Tinnitus Part 2
Tinnitus: Causes and Mangement, with Dr. Rebekah Tripp from Chase Audiology.
August 21 is an introduction to Tinnitus, what it is, its causes, and its symptoms. The presentation on August 28 will address possible treatments and routine changes to help with the condition. Both presentations will include a Q&A portion.
Sign up for one or both presentations.
Tinnitus Part 1
Tinnitus: Causes and Mangement, with Dr. Rebekah Tripp from Chase Audiology.
August 21 is an introduction to Tinnitus, what it is, its causes, and its symptoms. The presentation on August 28 will address possible treatments and routine changes to help with the condition. Both presentations will include a Q&A portion.
Sign up for one or both presentations.
The library has free access to a number of genealogy databases to help you in your search for information about your ancestors. We also offer free genealogy classes on various topics throughout the year.