Let’s Talk Now About Needing Care Later
In this upbeat, empowering talk about a serious topic, we consider a new way of thinking about, talking about, and preparing for the Fourth Age of life— a period of aging-related dependency on others for care. It is well understood that such dependency is one of the greatest fears adults have about aging. We don’t want to imagine it, it’s uncomfortable to talk about, and we underestimate what we can do about it anyway. Using stories and perspectives gathered from her interview-based research, as well as her own family’s experiences, Kathryn McGrew provides strategies for having hard but vital conversations with ourselves, our families, and important others, now. The goal of such conversations? To be as prepared as possible; that is, to age “lightly,” even in the face of possible chronic illness or disability later. Related materials and resources are provided.
Kathryn McGrew, PhD, is Professor Emerita of Gerontology and Retired Senior Research Scholar at the Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University.